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Write Better Stable Diffusion Prompts

Stable Diffusion Prompt Guide

Hey there, fellow creative! If you're looking to generate jaw-dropping images using stable diffusion, you've come to the right place. In this guide, we'll explore the art of crafting top-notch prompts that'll bring out the best in your AI-powered image generator. So, let's dive in and get those creative juices flowing!

Start with a Clear Idea:

First and foremost, you need to have a crystal-clear idea of what you want to create. Take some time to brainstorm and jot down your thoughts. Remember, a well-defined concept serves as the foundation for a breathtaking image.

Keep It Simple, Yet Descriptive:

When it comes to crafting prompts, less is often more. Aim for a concise description that captures the essence of your idea. But don't be too vague – include enough details to guide the AI in the right direction.

Experiment with Different Perspectives:

You don't have to stick to the obvious! Play around with unique angles and perspectives to give your prompt a fresh twist. For example, instead of "sunset over the ocean," try "the golden sun kissing the ocean's horizon."

Use Sensory Details:

To create truly immersive images, incorporate sensory details in your prompts. Describe not only what the scene looks like but also how it feels, sounds, or smells. This will help the AI generate images that are rich in depth and texture.

Add a Touch of Emotion:

Humans are emotional creatures, and adding emotion to your prompt can make your images more relatable and impactful. Use emotive language or describe the mood you want to evoke, like "a serene and tranquil forest" or "a bustling, vibrant cityscape."

Play with Figurative Language:

Figurative language, such as metaphors and similes, can add depth and intrigue to your prompts. They encourage the AI to think outside the box and create more imaginative images. For example, "a sky painted with fiery hues" instead of "a colorful sky."

Iterate and Refine:

Once you've crafted your initial prompt, don't be afraid to experiment with different versions. Tweak the wording, add or remove details, and see how the AI-generated images change. This process of trial and error will help you find the perfect prompt for your vision.

Seek Inspiration:

If you're struggling to come up with a captivating prompt, look for inspiration in art, literature, or even your own experiences. Borrow ideas and build upon them to create something uniquely yours.

Collaborate with Others:

Sometimes, two (or more) heads are better than one. Share your ideas with friends or colleagues, and gather feedback to refine your prompt. Collaboration can lead to fresh ideas and unexpected twists.

Practice Makes Perfect:

Lastly, remember that crafting the perfect stable diffusion prompt is a skill that takes practice. The more prompts you create, the better you'll become at finding the right balance between clarity, creativity, and emotion.

The Pillars of a Superior Prompt

A well-constructed prompt comprises various elements, each contributing to the overall effectiveness of the generated image. Understanding these building blocks is vital for mastering the art of prompt creation.


The subject forms the core of the image. It's the primary object or theme you wish to visualize. Ensuring specificity is crucial - the more detailed your description, the more refined the image will be​​.


The medium denotes the type of artwork you want to mimic, such as illustration, oil painting, or 3D rendering. It significantly influences the style and appearance of the final output​​.


The artistic style determines the aesthetic characteristics of the image, such as impressionist, surrealist, or pop art. It acts as a guiding principle for the algorithm as it forms an image​​.


Including specific artist names in your prompt can help achieve a particular aesthetic or style. It is possible to blend styles by incorporating multiple artist names​1​.


References to niche graphic websites like Artstation or Deviant Art can steer image generation toward specific genres or styles​1​.


The resolution affects the sharpness and level of detail in the image. By integrating terms such as "highly detailed" and "sharp focus," you can influence the clarity of the generated output​1.

Additional Details

Adding descriptive terms can augment the image and provide a unique vibe. Elements such as "sci-fi", "stunningly beautiful", or "dystopian" can enhance the visual narrative​​.


Specifying color preferences allows you to dictate the overall color scheme of the image, whether it manifests as a tone or appears in objects​​.


Lighting is a powerful tool in crafting the mood and atmosphere of an image. You can create dramatic effects by specifying a particular lighting style​​.

Stable Diffusion Prompt Guide

Stable Diffusion Prompt Reference for the Best AI Art


The subject is the main focus of your image, and should be clearly defined in your prompt. Be specific about what you want to depict, whether it's a person, object, scene, or concept. For example, "a majestic lion" or "a bustling city street."

  • A majestic tiger
  • A tranquil mountain lake
  • A vibrant coral reef
  • An ancient castle perched on a hill
  • A futuristic city skyline
  • A cozy, rustic cabin in the woods
  • A mysterious, enchanted forest
  • A serene zen garden
  • A lively outdoor market
  • A bustling, crowded train station
  • A majestic lion prowling in the savannah.
  • A sprawling cityscape bathed in twilight.
  • A quaint cottage nestled in a snowy landscape.
  • A stoic knight preparing for battle.
  • A serene lake reflecting the autumn leaves.
  • A vibrant coral reef teeming with marine life.
  • A futuristic spaceship traversing through galaxies.
  • A bustling marketplace in the heart of Marrakech.
  • A tranquil Zen garden in the spring.
  • A determined athlete sprinting towards the finish line.
  • A mesmerizing ballet performance under spotlights.
  • A classic 1960s diner bustling with patrons.
  • A charming countryside vineyard under the Tuscan sun.
  • A steampunk-inspired locomotive traversing a desolate landscape.
  • A breathtaking panorama of the Grand Canyon at sunset.


The medium refers to the artistic technique or material you'd like the AI to emulate. Incorporating the medium into your prompt can give your image a distinctive look and feel. Examples include "a watercolor painting of a serene landscape" or "a charcoal sketch of a dancer in motion."

  • Oil painting
  • Pencil sketch
  • Acrylic on canvas
  • Digital illustration
  • Collage art
  • Pastel drawing
  • Ink wash painting
  • Etching
  • Gouache
  • Mixed media
  • Watercolor painting
  • Charcoal sketch
  • Oil painting
  • 3D rendering
  • Graffiti art
  • Acrylic painting
  • Digital illustration
  • Pixel art
  • Gouache painting
  • Pastel sketch
  • Ceramic sculpture
  • Metal engraving
  • Collage art
  • Ink wash painting
  • Etching


Style encompasses the overall aesthetic or artistic approach the AI would adopt. This could range from specific art movements (e.g., Impressionism, Cubism) to general moods or themes (e.g., whimsical, surreal). For instance, "a surreal portrait of a woman with a butterfly for a hat" or "an impressionistic painting of a sunflower field."

  • Abstract
  • Realism
  • Minimalism
  • Art Nouveau
  • Expressionism
  • Pop art
  • Pointillism
  • Gothic
  • Fauvism
  • Futurism
  • Impressionist
  • Cubist
  • Art Nouveau
  • Surrealist
  • Pop Art
  • Baroque
  • Gothic
  • Abstract Expressionist
  • Romantic
  • Neoclassical
  • Minimalist
  • Pointillist
  • Art Deco
  • Fauvist
  • Constructivist


  • Steampunk-inspired
  • Cyberpunk theme
  • Set in the Victorian era
  • Futuristic cityscape
  • Medieval setting
  • Underwater exploration
  • Space odyssey
  • Post-apocalyptic world
  • Lush rainforest
  • Ancient ruins
  • Sun-drenched beach
  • Blossoming cherry trees
  • Majestic mountain range
  • Wild west town
  • Surreal dreamscape


  • Cool, calming blues
  • Warm, inviting yellows
  • Bold, passionate reds
  • Tranquil, soothing greens
  • Deep, mysterious purples
  • Bright, energetic oranges
  • Soft, romantic pinks
  • Crisp, clean whites
  • Dark, dramatic blacks
  • Dusky, timeless sepia tones
  • Fresh, lively turquoise


  • High resolution
  • Ultra HD
  • 1080p
  • 4K
  • 8K
  • Retina display
  • Highly detailed
  • Sharp focus
  • Crystal clear
  • Pixel perfect
  • Fine detail
  • High pixel density
  • Super sharp
  • Ultra clear
  • Maximum resolution


Lighting plays a crucial role in setting the mood and atmosphere of an image. By specifying the desired lighting in your prompt, you can dramatically impact the final result. Consider terms like "soft, diffused light," "dramatic chiaroscuro," or "a backlit silhouette against a fiery sunset."

  • Golden hour sunlight
  • Moonlit night
  • Cool, overcast day
  • Harsh midday sun
  • Dramatic side lighting
  • Warm, glowing candlelight
  • Neon-lit urban scene
  • Underwater illumination
  • Ethereal, magical glow
  • Soft, natural window light
  • Soft, diffused lighting
  • Harsh, dramatic shadows
  • Backlit silhouette
  • Warm, golden hour glow
  • Cold, moonlit night
  • Bright, midday sun
  • Subtle, ambient lighting
  • Intense, direct spotlight
  • Mysterious, low-key lighting
  • Romantic candlelight
  • Vibrant neon lights
  • Soft, morning sunrise
  • Dazzling city lights
  • Lush, forest-dappled sunlight
  • Diffuse, overcast daylight


If you admire a specific artist's work, you can reference their style or techniques in your prompt. This can help guide the AI to create images that capture the essence of that artist's work. For example, "a Van Gogh-inspired starry night scene" or "a Frida Kahlo-style self-portrait with a surreal twist."

  • Salvador Dalí
  • Pablo Picasso
  • Georgia O'Keeffe
  • Hokusai
  • Jackson Pollock
  • Banksy
  • Leonardo da Vinci
  • Andy Warhol
  • Henri Matisse
  • Gustav Klimt
  • Picasso
  • Van Gogh
  • Monet
  • Da Vinci
  • Dali
  • Rembrandt
  • Klimt
  • Hokusai
  • Warhol
  • Michelangelo
  • Pollock
  • Vermeer
  • Cezanne
  • Kahlo
  • Hopper


Action words or verbs can add dynamism and energy to your prompts, encouraging the AI to create more engaging and lively images. Incorporate action words to describe movement, emotion, or transformation, such as "a soaring eagle," "a swirling vortex of colors," or "an exploding fireworks display."

  • Fluttering
  • Cascading
  • Swirling
  • Pulsating
  • Shimmering
  • Erupting
  • Crashing
  • Soaring
  • Whirling
  • Exploding
  • Render
  • Depict
  • Illustrate
  • Emulate
  • Portray
  • Reflect
  • Exhibit
  • Reveal
  • Display
  • Show
  • Present
  • Express
  • Radiate
  • Evoke
  • Exemplify

Our Prompt Tool Results

Basic ChatGPT Prompt - A young girl standing protectively beside a majestic unicorn, their eyes locked with determination.

Our Tool Prompt - A young girl standing protectively beside a majestic unicorn, illustrated in a fantastic style by Jim Kay, soft pastel colors, shimmering light, realistic detailed environment, digital painting, trending on ArtStation, cinematic lighting, surreal atmosphere.

Write Better Stable Diffusion Prompts

Stable Diffusion Prompt Examples

Now that we have detailed the categories, let's see how they can be used to create effective prompts. Here are 10 examples, half using basic techniques and the other half employing more advanced strategies.

Basic Techniques

"A serene lake reflecting autumn leaves in a watercolor painting in the impressionist style."

"An oil painting in the cubist style of a bustling marketplace in the heart of Marrakech."

"A 3D rendering of a futuristic spaceship traversing galaxies in high resolution."

"A digital illustration in the pop art style depicting a vibrant coral reef teeming with marine life."

"A charcoal sketch of a stoic knight preparing for battle in a medieval setting."

Advanced Techniques

"A detailed acrylic painting in the romantic style of a charming countryside vineyard under the Tuscan sun at golden hour, with rich, earthy hues."

"An ultra HD digital illustration in the style of Hokusai, depicting a tranquil Zen garden in the spring, with cool, calming blues and soft, diffused lighting."

"A high-resolution 3D rendering in the surrealist style of a steampunk-inspired locomotive traversing a desolate landscape under the intense spotlight, with bold, passionate reds."

"An etching in the style of Picasso depicting a mesmerizing ballet performance under spotlights, with the dramatic contrast of crisp, clean whites and dark, dramatic blacks."

"A pixel art in the style of pop art of a bustling 1960s diner bustling with patrons in vibrant and colorful tones under the soft, morning sunrise."

A meadow of wildflowers Painting Realistic Vincent van Gogh, Vibrant Soft, diffused A variety of wildflowers in bloom, with a mountain range in the distance.

Digital illustration in the style of Georgia O'Keeffe, featuring a vibrant coral reef teeming with life, illuminated by ethereal, magical glow. Focus on the swirling movement of the fish and the pulsating rhythm of the underwater plants, capturing the essence of this mesmerizing marine world.

Enchanted forest landscape, Use soft, natural rays of light to evoke a sense of wonder and otherworldliness.

Create a pastel drawing inspired by Hokusai, depicting a bustling, crowded train station during golden hour sunlight. Emphasize the fluttering movement of people rushing to catch their trains, while the warm light casts long, dramatic shadows, giving the scene a sense of timeless energy.

Stable Diffusion BEST Tutorial for Prompts, Beautiful Results | Master Prompts for Stylized Art

Master Stable Diffusion get the best results with powerful Prompts. 45 minute in depth Tutorial on how to write the best Prompts for Stable Diffusion using custom models.

ChatGPT: The Ultimate AI-Powered Prompt Factory for Stable Diffusion Art!

Using ChatGPT I was able to create an almost unlimited number of high-quality prompts that can be used to create stable diffusion images

Common Stable Diffusion Prompt Questions

How do I use multiple keywords effectively in a prompt?

Use commas to separate keywords and phrases. Ensure they make a coherent sentence that conveys your vision for the artwork.

How does the "resolution" category affect my artwork?

High-resolution keywords result in sharper, more detailed images.

Can I blend styles from different artists in one prompt?

Yes, you can blend styles from different artists. Just include the names of the artists in your prompt

Can I specify the color palette in my prompt?

You can specify the color palette by using color keywords in your prompt.

How detailed should the "subject" category be in my prompt?

The subject should be as detailed as possible. Remember, the more specific you are, the more likely the output will match your vision.

Can I use multiple mediums in one prompt?

While you can include multiple mediums in your prompt, it may confuse the AI. How do I use the "lighting" category effectively?

The "lighting" category can be used to dictate the mood and tone of the artwork. For example, use 'soft, diffused lighting' for a tranquil setting or 'harsh, dramatic shadows' for a more intense scene.

What's the difference between the "style" and "medium" categories?

The "style" refers to the artistic style of the image (such as impressionist, surrealist, pop art, etc.), whereas the "medium" pertains to the materials used to create the artwork (such as oil painting, digital illustration, 3D rendering, etc.). volutpat.

What are some effective ways to use the "additional details" category?

Additional details can be used to add a specific vibe or context to the image. They can be themes, atmospheres, or even adjectives that add depth to your prompt. For example, keywords like 'sci-fi', 'stunningly beautiful', 'dystopian', 'ancient', 'mystical', etc.

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